Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Santa Set

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Veteran's Day shipping
To those who have served, are serving, or will serve our country, and those that love them... thank you.
On A Roll!

Friday, November 6, 2009
Oh, Glorious Completion
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
October Activities
and am still finishing up seaming "Savannah". When that's done I can get a good picture of it, I think it'll be a beautiful sweater. I've finished up a pair of longies as well but the camera was missing.
All in all it has been a pretty busy month trying to finish up some odds and ends as well as preparing for a trip to the grand 'ol state of Texas. My husband is training in San Angelo and we drove down last weekend to visit him.
A gracious friend is letting us stay with her this week near Dallas and we'll head back over to visit him again next weekend before making the 1,200+ mile journey home.
On another note, I just started in October stocking at Made By Military Wives on HyenaCart. All vendors are obviously military wives. We stock on the 1st and 15th of the month, so be sure to check it out.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Child's Tunic Sweater
It's the Cottage Creations "Tunic Sweater for the Family". It was a pretty easy knit and I'm very happy with the way it turned out, except I'm not convinced it's *actually* a size 8... it just looks too small. But, I have small children and have never really held a child's 8 sweater in my hands and looked at it, so I'm sure I know nothing. I remeasured it all and it seems like it is right, so we'll see if it really fits the recipient or not.
The yarn on the other hand... gorgeous! I think it's Perfect Pear's Ardara in "Grotto". I wasn't wild about it on the skein but absolutely LOVE it knit up. It's soft, and really beautiful. I was hesitant to use a variegated yarn like this because sometimes the variegation is too drastic and takes away from the garment. This yarn is very colorful, several shades of green, blue, and purple, but the colors are subtle and while there are a few dark spots that stand out, overall it blends very nicely. The dark green adds a splash (just a splash, mind you) of interest, but not enough to take away from the overall continuity of the sweater. Plus it didn't pool. :) I despise pooling in almost every case. All in all, *beautiful* yarn selection. Too bad it's for someone else, huh? Did I mention I really hope the sweater fits?
Website Update and New Congo!
Also I have joined a new congo on HyenaCart, Made By Military Wives. We stock the 1st and 15th, so my first stocking is tomorrow! Come and check it out, there are lots of talented ladies on there!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Serenity Tree!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Noggin's "Habitat"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Want a Herd?
"Here’s how it works: Anyone interested in entering this giveaway will need to send me an essay telling me why you’d like to have a small herd of Angora goats. Your essay can contain photos, video, whatever, but mostly I want to hear why you’d like to be a shepherd. Have you always wanted sheep or goats of your own? Do you yearn to set up your spinning wheel in the pasture amongst the goats? Tell me all about it."
I'm totally jealous and want them for myself but I can't have them. So, I'm passing the word on to those of you who might.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Congratulations, Jill!
I knit this out of Sublime's Cashmere Merino Silk Aran, it took about 2.5 balls. The yarn is soft, but kind of splitty. I didn't think the pattern was fabulously written, but it *is* a free pattern. Instead of knitting the back, front, and sleeve panels separately and then seaming them together I knit it from the bottom up with the fronts and back together, split for the arms, grafted the shoulder seams, and then picked up sts for the sleeves and worked down. I'm *very* glad I did it that way, as seaming is not my friend.
Monday, August 17, 2009
New Yarns

It is similar to the "Sunset" colorway, but without the blue. The base yarn is 70% Merino, 30% Mohair and is dyed with professional quality acid dyes. Colors are dark pink, orange, salmon, light pink, and white. It reskeined beautifully and I hope it finds a new home.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Still Around, and Still Knitting
In the knitting world, I have been knitting. I have a sweater for a friend's daughter (size 8) coming along, I'll have to post pictures of it. I also just *finally* finished this custom:
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A Peek into Our Lives

Our big news is that my husband graduates from basic on Thursday and we're leaving tomorrow to go see him. It's a 12 hour drive with no stops, detours, potty breaks, or road construction, so we're leaving at 6am tomorrow. We're hoping to be south of Chicago by rush hour. I got a new dress for the occasion, my friend at Goff Couture made it for me. I'm very excited to wear it, my son said "It's like a princess!"

We have had a busy week - we got a new water heater yesterday and the carpet was installed in the bedrooms as well. Today I moved the beds into the bedrooms, where the kids are currently napping. We did a bunch of shopping and bought some new things to play with in the car and at rest stops to get us through 24+ hours in a van with 7 people. Today I have to finish packing, pick up our Peace Fleece at my mom's office, drop the kids off so I can go get a hair cut, and then head to a meeting, come home and finish loading the van. All in all we have a lot of stuff going on, but it's all good stuff so I can't complain too much. I gave the little man a hair cut last night too. I had been letting it grow and get a little shaggy because my husband dislikes it. I wanted to get a good picture of it all curly and cute, but figured it had better get cut before we go down to see him. Here are before and after shots:
And lastly I leave you with the Ice Cream Face. This is my beautiful daughter. We were eating ice cream before bed last night and in between bites this was the face she'd give me.

Waiting for more.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Custom Blanket Complete!
I should really take another picture of the whole thing with it laid out more nicely. I went back and straightened out the edge and trimmed it so it should look better.
It's feather and fan pattern, very basic, with an added fringe. Knit on US13 needles with a Lion Brand Pound of Love, 100% acrylic. I think I'll post the pattern later, it's nothing special or fancy, but all in all it turned out pretty nice. It was to duplicate the customer's daughter's security blanket. She likes to stick her fingers in the holes and twirl them in the fringe. I hope this is all she was hoping for.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
"Lust" - This colorway has shades of red and black, perfect for your inner vampire.
"Quileute" - Jacob Black is part of the Quileute tribe. Tribal colors are black and a dark orange.