I'm in a bit of a funk right now. I have a few projects I need to get done but I just don't have any desire to work on them. Plus I need to come up with some new ideas for the March stocking (book theme), but I'm coming up empty. Well, nearly empty.
I did whip out a felted purse for a friend of mine in a few days. Easy fast knitting. I'll post a picture when I get them uploaded. It was some kind of magic pulling it out of the washing machine, seeing it all small. I had checked on it a couple times before, but still. Knowing it was done was exciting.
We have some life changing decisions to make here in the next week or so, so pardon me if I'm a bit on the sloth-ish side. I think I am just being overwhelmed and therefore having a creativity block. I'll still take any creative pants suggestions. I think I'm just going to use the leftover yarn from the felted bag to make a pair of stripey longies for the second pair. Argh, I never posted pics of the first! Well I'll have to get on that when I get home...