Friday, February 27, 2009

Book Feature

We are stocking specially this month, on March 2nd instead of the 3rd and we are doing a book theme. A lot of the ladies' listings are related somehow to a children's book. It should be fun. I admit, I don't have nearly as much together as I had hoped I would, but sick kids and lifechanging decisions will do that for you. :) I've been preoccupied.

HOWEVER, I do have this little guy all ready to go, he's been ready for a couple weeks and I don't think I've featured him yet. He's my little Rainbow Fish, knit out of some rainbow colored wool I dyed last summer. He has irish knot eyes that were knit right on so they won't fall off and pose a choking hazard... AND it rattles! It turned out smaller than the last fish I knit, I used smaller needles and like the result better. So... here you go!


Rebecca said...

Oh my goodness! I love that little fish. I am adding your shop to my HC favourites. It shall be mine. Mwah hahaha... ;)

Rebecca said...

And... bought. ;) We're having a handmade Easter and this will be in my son's basket. Thank you. :)