This is a little late, but I left the post office so frustrated on Wednesday, which I guess isn't a first. The post office is never a "fun" place to go, but this was even better than normal. First off, look at the right side of your screen. See where my "profile" information is? What does it say... oh yea, mother of 2 kids is mentioned, right. Well, to specify I have a son who turned 3 last week and a daughter who turned 9 mos this week. So they're pretty little and oh let me tell you I LOVE carting them to the post office of all places since it's my favorite place to go on a day off.
So we walk in, there's one guy ahead of me in line and 3 postal workers helping people. So it should be quick, right? Then the dreaded happens... when it's my turn one lady goes into the back, leaving 2 postal workers. There's Dan and another-lady-who-shall-remain-unnamed. Guess who opens up? The Unnamed. Now it shouldn't be too bad. I have 2 priority mail packages to send out that are all ready to go (thanks PayPal!) and one box to send off. 

It was a scarf for Mandi of Yellow Brick Lane, we did a scarf swap on a board we're on and we ended up eachother's partners. It's knit out of Cascade 220 Heathers and is the Reversible Cable Rib Scarf, a new pattern I'm almost done writing up. (She likes it.)
So anyway, back to the post office. So I walk up to Ms. Unnamed. And she has a reputation. She's ... s l o w ... I mean... ... s l o w . But it's okay. I only need postage on one little box, should be easy. So I hand her the package and say I'd like to mail this First Class (I'm cheap). She says "Is there anything liquid, fragile... blah blah blah inside?" No. "Would you like to mail this Priority Mail? It'll get there a couple days sooner." Um... no. I said I wanted to mail it First Class. (She got it today, by the way.) "Would you like insurance or delivery confirmation?" No. "Okay, it'll be..." I think it was like $2.53 or something. I tell her the others are ready to go and hand her my check card. She hands it back and asks me to sign it. Um... it's signed. "It's faded. I need you to sign it again." Remember the part about me having two small children? Well let's review, one is 9 mos so where do you think she is? Yep, you've got it... in my arms. So I juggle her around and REsign the dumb card. I figure, "Well, she watched me sign it so she can just watch me sign the paper and we'll be good" because I'm irritated with her for making me resign it in the first place because if you looked closely and squinted a little you could still read it. I put the card back in my wallet, zip it shut, and she says, "I haven't run it yet." Um, what? Why didn't you run it, have me resign it, and then just let me keep it? Why hand it back to me, have me sign it, hand it back to her, run it, hand it back to me to put away and then hand me the receipt to sign and hand back to her? Um... seem a little redundant?
Anyway, I know it's stupid but I always think it's completely asinine to have me sign the card in front of them. If it really were stolen, well now my version of Jane Doe's signature is on the back of the card. But, Mandi got her scarf. And in her exact words, "It is so squishy and nice." Yep, I rock. As long as I mail things from home.
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