There is something wrong with me, it must be a serious disease. I saw a picture of a
Danish Tie Shawl and I'm in love. I should blame it on
SpiffyKnits, but I don't even know her. I think I got to her blog from
MVFF because she donated a raffle prize. But seriously, I HAVE to make one! It's so cute... and extremely functional. See, I live in the frigid north... Minnesota, USA... and it gets cold here. And in case no one has noticed, all things living-related are costing more and more and more (ie natural gas to heat my house). That said, we keep our house at a balmy 68 degrees Farenheit during the daytime, and 65 at night. With that information one can see the practicality of having a shawl around the house, and with two kids, a shawl that stays put is even better.
On to other news, I got a couple of things done on Friday! I got a batch of lip balm made, but not enough to fill the order I have at the Color Wheel Salon. Bah. I didn't have enough containers on hand... which reminds me I should run and go pick some more up tonight. I also got the lotion made for the raffle, but she didn't give it away... so I don't know if I needed to do that or not, but it's done. I was kind of proud of myself for that one! And I got a picture taken. The bath bag and facial bag both come with a hand knit washcloth and I got two of those knit over the weekend. I made a
Vine Lace Washcloth for both of them, I am pretty happy with how they turned out. The pattern was a little putsy at first, and required paying attention to what row you are on, but they're cute. I "blocked" one a little and was disappointed to see that it looks like the color in the yarn ran a little. I used a natural colored yarn that has little sections kind of "painted" in light blue, purple, and pink.
(Note to self: Figure out how in the WORLD to post photos.) I do still need to make some cold cream because I have an order for that. Seriously, it's some great stuff. I have a friend who can hardly use anything to clean her face because she breaks out or gets a rash, and my cold cream works for her. It makes me proud. :)