Monday, July 21, 2008

Website Update

I have been toying with switching up my website. I have been doing the coding on my website myself and find it hard to learn html while taking care of young children - I just don't have the time. So I was considering changing from a dotcom (well, dotnet) site to using either HyenaCart or Etsy to sell my wares. Well I was messing around with my files on my hosting account and found out I can do some editing there, and can put in pictures. That was one thing I was really having a hard time with, getting pictures to link properly. So after discussing cost with my husband I've decided to give it a little work and see if I can't get up and functioning, at least a little better than it has been. I feel like once I have a relatively decent website set up I can really start promoting myself a little better and might actually make a bit of a profit once in awhile on it.

So, keep your eyes peeled... diapers and woolies will be making their way onto my website soon!

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